Three Junior League of Raleigh Members Named TBJ 40 Under 40

Raleigh | June 8, 2015: On May 12, 2015, the Triangle Business Journal unveiled its 2015 class of 40 Under 40 Leadership Award winners. Among the winners, three exceptional Junior League of Raleigh (JLR) members were honored:

  • Rebecca Ayers, U.S. Office of Personnel Management
  • Julie Ploscyca, Fidelity Investments
  • Katherine Schottmiller, GlaxoSmithKline

The 40 Under 40 awards recognize outstanding professionals under the age of 40 for their contributions to their organizations and the community. “As active members and leaders of the League, we are thrilled to see these women being recognized for their continued support of the community,” said Kathryn West, JLR President. “All are dedicated to the growth and success of their community and continue to excel,” said West. Rebecca Ayers is currently serving as the JLR President-elect. The Triangle Business Journal will profile the winners in a special section that will be published in the June 12 print edition.


About the Junior League of Raleigh

The Junior League of Raleigh is the local chapter of the Association of Junior Leagues International, an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. The Junior League reaches out to women of all races, religions and national origins who demonstrate an interest in, and commitment to, volunteerism. Now in its 85th year, the Junior League of Raleigh boasts nearly 1,700 women supporting community organizations around Wake County.